Miami Commercial Van Air Conditioning A/C Repair Service + Shop

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Car A/C Repair Miami

Commercial vans have picked up a lot of steam in recent years due to their reliability, MPG savings, and overall performance, among other things. Miami has its fair share of commercial vans running through its roads every day. What could be a typical day can turn into a nightmare if your van’s air conditioning unit breaks down.

If you or someone you know is experiencing problems with their van’s A/C unit, we may be able to help. With decades of hands-on experience, we can properly evaluate and correct any issues related to your vehicle’s A/C unit. To learn more about all of our services, call AAA Radiator and Auto Air Conditioning as soon as you can. Our Miami auto air mechanics can help you. Call our offices today at (305) 770-6929.

How to Tell If There Is a Problem with Your Commercial Van’s A/C

If you are a commercial van driver, you know how important it is to have a fully-functioning air conditioning unit, especially when driving in Miami’s unforgiving heat. If you are experiencing troubles with your van’s air unit, you may wonder what is going on and how you can fix such a situation. You can quickly determine there is something wrong with your van’s A/C by keeping a close eye to its overall performance and through other physically determinable issues. The following are common issues that can let you know it is time to take your van to a professionally certified auto air mechanic:

Screeching Sounds

Your car’s A/C unit uses a belt to rotate the compressor every time it is turned on. If this belt is damaged or worn-out, it can lead to problems within your car’s A/C unit. This is what often causes the loud, screeching sounds coming out of your vehicle’s air unit every time you turn it on. If you are experiencing this problem, our professional auto air conditioning mechanics can help you correct this situation so you can enjoy a smooth, cool ride.

Clicking Noises

Clicking noises in your commercial van may indicate a mechanical or electrical issue with your A/C. For instance, you may hear a clicking sound every time you try to turn the A/C on. In some cases, clicking sounds can happen because of a faulty relay or another electrical component within the system. Different clicking sounds can arise as a result of a damaged piston or fan, among other components. It is always recommended to have a professional auto air conditioning mechanic check out your car and correct any underlying issues. At AAA, we are ready to take your vehicle and make any repairs needed to your A/C.

Low Coolant Levels

In order to keep fresh air running through the system, your car needs to be equipped with the appropriate refrigerant or cooling agent. It is a known fact that all vehicles experience a decrease of coolant levels over time. However, some vehicles may lose more refrigerant than others. The loss of this vital resource can cause your air conditioning unit to blow warm or hot air when turned on. This can be a problem, especially for those traveling long distances to make deliveries under Miami’s hot sun. Our professionally certified auto air conditioning mechanics can help you make sure your car is running at the appropriate refrigerant levels. We can help you enjoy a smooth, cool ride every time.

When to Evac and Recharge Your Commercial Van Air Conditioning Unit

You may wonder whether you will need to perform an evac and recharge on your commercial van’s A/C unit. There may be some vans that never need to be recharged because their system is in optimal condition. However, you may need to have an evac and recharge done in your van.

This technical procedure uses a machine built specifically for this work; this is one of the reasons why this procedure should be performed by a professional. Your van will be connected to the machine, which will remove all refrigerant within the system, including contaminants and residue that may have accumulated over time. Once the machine has cleaned your van’s A/C, it will evaluate how much refrigerant your van needs to run at its best, then the recharge machine will refill your system to the manufacturer-recommended levels. This will ensure your van is running at optimal refrigerant levels so you can have a cool ride every time.

We cannot stress enough the importance of having this procedure performed by an air conditioning professional. At AAA, our expert auto air conditioning mechanics are ready to take your vehicle and correct any underlying issues.

Commercial Van Air Conditioning A/C Repair Shop Serving Miami

If you or someone you know is experiencing problems with their commercial van’s air conditioning unit, our Miami auto air conditioning mechanics can help. At AAA Radiator and Auto Air Conditioning, we can solve any issues within your van’s A/C system. Thanks to our many years in the auto air conditioning business, we can accurately assess and correct any problems that arise. To learn more about all of our services and how we can help you enjoy a relaxed ride in Miami, call our offices today at (305) 770-6929.